Friday, October 5, 2012

Taking a dip

Doris loved the water, she loved the beach, a pool, the river and the hose. In this picture she was on holidays at Aunty Donna's who had taken her to her mother's farm at Nowra. Doris had a ball playing with the other dogs and taking a dip. Of course I had a few moments with Doris and when she jumped into a swimming pool next to me and sunk like a stone. It was lucky I was there to haul her up to the surface. Then the time she grabbed the end of the hose and the water went straight into her lungs and she took 2 steps and collapsed. I just grabbed her face and blew down her nose and screamed at the same time. She coughed up the water and came to within a few breaths. She just shook it off and powered on, as Doris always did. I, on the other hand, went grey and lost 5 years off my life.

The last stand

This is the last photo of Doris taken a few days before she passed. She had not been well with her heart and she looked straight down the lens at her dad and said I'll be OK.